Behind the Scenes & Sales Copy: What You Should Know
Lil Key Takeaways: This Blog at a Glance
Hooked on BTS? We all love those behind-the-scenes peeks, even if it’s something we don’t usually care about. It’s that human curiosity at work
Sales Psychology 101: It’s about understanding why your dream customers buy and using that to write relatable copy
Why BTS Works: It makes people feel special and connected, increasing trust and the likelihood they’ll buy from you
Authenticity Wins: Showing your real, imperfect side builds trust and deeper connections
Exclusivity: BTS content makes your audience feel like insiders, which strengthens their bond with your brand
Quick BTS Ideas: Share sneak peeks, process secrets, or personal stories to connect authentically
You’re scrolling on Instagram (needlessly, mindlessly) when you stop immediately.
That influencer you definitely don’t know in person and whose content you only sorta-kinda consume just posted a reel.
It’s the behind-the-scenes of her entire daily routine.
A full play-by-play of what she’s doing, what products she’s using, what she’s eating for breakfast, how her gym workout went–you get the drift. She’s giving you a bite-sized look into her life, and even though you don’t really care and even though this is in no way relevant to any part of your life…you’re hooked.
You’re not alone.
You spend a full minute-and-a-half (maybe more?) watching, absorbing, and getting that behind-the-scenes peek at what that person’s day is like. And when it’s over, you’re sort of dumbfounded. More than that, you’re full of questions.
Why did I just waste 90 seconds of my life watching that?
I would never buy those products–they’re like, a million dollars–why did I care?
She rock climbs every morning. I have no plans to rock climb. What about that even mattered?
Again, you’re not alone.
That’s just a lil micro-example of how our very human brains work. We love a “pulling back the curtain moment,” if you will. There’s power in the principle of behind-the-scenes.
There’s nothing wrong with our brains functioning this way–it’s just a human quirk that plays into sales psychology (a topic I’ll yap about endlessly if you let me). And, in fact, when we actively work to understand why our brains work this way, we can actually do something super cool with it – leverage it in our ethical marketing strategies.
Sales Copywriting: How Behind the Scenes Can Help You Write Better Sales Copy
If this is your first foray into the Boundless blog, first of all, welcome. Secondly, the entire point of this blog is to help business owners, creative service providers, and solopreneurs learn more about the power of copywriting (so they can write better words for their own businesses).
That means diving into sales psychology is always going to be part of the deal.
I won’t spend a ton of time exploring the 101 of sales psych (I have a blog for that right here!), but I will give you a hot jolt definition so you can understand why I’m talking about sales psych principles.
Sales psychology is the process of fine-tuning your marketing efforts by considering more than just data and demographics–it’s about getting in the psyche and mind of your dream people. In other words, sales psychology is the study of understanding why some people buy things, what impacts buying behavior, and how our brains, emotions, and experiences play into marketing and purchasing.
There are tons of sales psychology principles out there that, when understood, can help you tap into the minds of your ideal customers, connect with them, and shape their understanding of your business, brand, and products.
To put it bluntly, these principles can help you appeal and talk to people in their language so they’re more inclined to buy from you. Remember how I started this blog talking about that influencer’s BTS moment? That’s what this blog is all about.
Smart marketers and savvy business owners know that by implementing sales psych principles into their marketing (ethically!), they can reach more people and make more sales. A win-win, right?
But in order to practice this, you’ve got to understand the principle first–and that’s what this blog is all about.
Behind the Scenes: A Key Sales Psychology Principle
What is Behind the Scenes?
That influencer example I shared was just one example of behind-the-scenes.
When I’m talking about BTS, I’m talking about content, copy, or any elements of marketing that shine a light on the behind-the-scenes of how your polished and perfect brand works. BTS is anything that’s happening, well behind the scenes– the stuff that you wouldn’t usually show.
The principle of BTS– and content that aligns with it– exists everywhere in our lives!
Mic’d up audio of our sports heroes
Designers sharing how they created a masterpiece
Day-in-the-life feature pieces on your fave musicians or actors
Directors showcasing their special cut of a movie
Your fave marketer telling you how they made that big sale
Your best friend telling you how she finally got her baby to nap
BTS is all around us – and when we get the exclusive scoop, we feel connected to the person (or brand) who gave it to us.
Why Does Sharing “Behind the Scenes” Click with Customers?
BTS works because it’s more than just a look at the products we use, the cars we drive, or that vulnerable story about how we embarrassed ourselves on that bad first date. The real power of BTS is that it taps into elements of human psychology to create connections.
People connect with people, right? Right, but that’s not the only universal truth here. As people, we’re also inherently nosy about the people or brands we connect with. At the same time, we want to feel special. It’s how our brains are wired. We want to know what’s going on behind the curtain of the brands we’re interested in and feel like we’re getting the inside scoop.
TLDR: We want to know something someone else doesn’t know.
In that way, BTS content and copy do something powerful. It pulls back the curtain on that polished version of your brand (and the you behind your brand) and invites your dream people to climb in and take an honest-to-god peek at the real, messy version.
Behind-the-scenes content and copy hits a few other important elements of sales psychology–pieces of the connecting and buying puzzle: authenticity & exclusivity.
Authenticity & BTS
When you share behind-the-scenes info, content, or copy, you’re stripping away the veil of perfection. Sure, it might be messy or unfinished–but that’s kind of the beauty of it. It’s authentic, not perfect–and that makes people feel like you understand and can relate to them (because hey, they’re messy, too).
People naturally resonate with authenticity, and as a result, they form deeper, more emotional connections to the people or brands behind that authenticity.
Being authentic means you’re genuine. It means you’re fully focused on building trust, not just sealing a deal or selling a product. On a subconscious level, people understand authenticity as the building blog of a relationship–a key element of trust.
In other words, consumers want their brands to be authentic–the more they can relate to you, the more they can trust you, and the more likely they are to like and invest in you.
Of course, there’s an element of storytelling here, too, another key principle of sales psychology and sales copywriting. People want to know the story behind your story–we connect better with narratives than we ever will with numbers or facts. BTS is the story of your brand, in a sense.
Exclusivity & BTS
I’m sure you already know this, but humans are curious beings–almost insatiably so. When BTS is done right, it’s almost like watching the director's cut of a movie that I mentioned a minute ago–you’re getting the inside scoop on everything the movie did to make a scene work.
Then, later, you get all warm and fuzzy when that scene comes on because you know the BTS that made it work. You get to be the one to say, “You know, Titanic was actually filmed in a pool!”
You feel special. You feel connected to that scene.
Same principle here. Those dream people you’re trying to reach and inspire to take action.
They wanna connect with you, vibe with you, like you, and feel like they know the you behind the brand. It creates that connection people are craving.
Ideas & Inspo for Implementing Behind the Scenes in Your Sales Copy
In theory, BTS probably makes perfect sense–especially when you think about how much your brain connects and hooks into examples of BTS in your own life and purchasing decisions. (Hey, me too–I’m much more likely to buy from a brand that shows me their morning routine or how they created a product).
But how can you implement this into your sales copywriting? Into your marketing efforts?
Sneak peeks provide glimpses of something to your people – a new project, a product you’re launching, a service that’s coming soon, an event, etc.
BTS helps build anticipation and create buzz. It gets your people hyped for whatever it is that you’re doing or sharing.
Here are a few quick tips for adding a little BTS to your brand’s words.
Actually pull back the curtain–don’t just pretend to: If you’re not being authentic about your BTS, your people will know (or at least suspect). The only way you can fail at being authentic? Not being for real about it – that’s when stuff backfires.
Share a secret about your process: Part of the magic of you is that you’ve got your own lil secret sauce. How do you make things happen? What’s your go-to formula for getting things done? That thing you do that’s amazing–how do you actually do it? What apps and software do you use?
Share a personal story or business mistake: You want to connect with your people? Give them a touch point to connect with. You’ve made business mistakes, right? Your people have, too. Think about who your audience is and what pain points you have in common. Then, share a story that might apply to them, too.
Give ‘em a look at what grinds your gears: If you’re leaning into personal branding (and if you want my advice, you should), it’s OK to talk about what bothers you as a business owner. No, it’s not a good look to directly call other business owners out – but you can talk about your hot takes in the industry, your unique POVs, and what
Share a shortcut you use all the time: You know that expression spillin’ the tea? That’s what this is. Spill. The. Tea. Tell your people all about your shortcuts, your go-tos, and the things in life that make what you do easier or better. Nothing bonds people to you like a shared life or business hack.
BTS Sales Copy–Refined & Ready to Sell
Want to chat about how you can start implementing sales psych principles (like BTS and beyond!) into your sales copy for better conversions and results? That’s our specialty. If you need a lil copywriting help from a sales psych pro, Boundless has your back! Sales psych is part of everything we do around here – sales pages, web copy, your blogs.
You name it, we do it (and we add a special lil ethical sparkle of sales psych into the mix). Schedule a call with Boundless to chat through how we can create irresistible words that speak (and sell) to your dream people.